Fédération de RussieWorking Paper - THE END OF LIBYA’S SECURITY NIGHTMARE?
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16/5/2021 Foreword Working Paper - JOE BIDEN AND NEOCONSERVATISM
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3/5/2021 Foreword On January 17, 1961, in his farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower warned against the establishment of a “Military-industrial complex”. He said “We must guard against the acquisition of influence by this complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist”. Working Paper - RUSSIA AND UKRAINE. MILITARY-STRATEGIC OPTIONS FOR MOSCOW
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24/4/2021 Foreword The recent breakdown of the ceasefire in Donbass, and escalation in fighting along the line of control, has been followed by what has become a somewhat traditional war of words between Moscow and Kiev, with each side blaming the other. Working Paper - UKRAINE ET NOUVELLE GUERRE FROIDE
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20/4/2021 Les tensions entretenues par les États-Unis et l'Otan en Ukraine, en soutien du bellicisme de Kiev et du but déclaré de cette dernière de remettre en cause l'autonomie des provinces séparatistes de Donetsk et Lougansk, dans la tentative d'unifier un pays historiquement divisé entre deux pôles d'influence, l'Europe et la Russie, sont susceptibles de provoquer une escalade aux incertitudes multiples. Working Paper - CORRESPONDANCE DU DONBASS
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9/4/2021 I movimenti delle truppe russe, effettuati in modo decisamente palese (senza peraltro avere le dimensioni commisurate a una grande operazione militare) hanno lo scopo di essere notati e non sono certamente indicativi di preparativi per un attacco segreto. Tali movimenti “evidenti” di truppe sembrano essere principalmente di natura coercitiva e dimostrativa. Working Paper - QUO VADIS ERDOGAN ? QUO VADIS TURQUIE ?
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8/4/2021 L'affront européen pour la gifle diplomatique infligée à Mme von der Leyen est un bluff protocolaire sans fondement. Erdogan a appliqué avec froideur la règle bien connue du: « Ubi major, minor cessat ». Selon les règles, il y a un seul représentant officiel de l'Union, le Président du Conseil Européen, ayant rang de Chef d’État et, comme tel, du droit de préséance dans les relations extérieures. En tant que Cheffe de l'exécutif, Mme von der Leyen a eu le traitement conforme au protocole. Où est il le problème? Working Paper - JOE BIDEN'S HEADACHES
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7/4/2021 Foreword 70 days into Biden’s administration, clouds are gathering over Washington’s relations with Beijing and Moscow. Biden himself agreed with a television news personality that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a “killer”, while Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, mismanaged the first days of important talks with his Chinese counterpart by announcing economic sanctions against two dozen Chinese officials. Working Paper - ÉGALITÉ-INÉGALITÉ. LES DEUX CONCEPTS-CLÉS DE L'UNIVERS POLITIQUE
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26/3/2021 Table des matières Working Paper - SLEEPY JOE HAS WOKEN UP: SYRIA, RUSSIA AND CHINA. WHAT'S NEXT?
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21/3/2021 Foreword Joe Biden was nicknamed “sleepy” by Donald Trump . Anyway, after only 30 days of presidency, he was awake and bombed Syria. On 25 February Biden ordered to struck Syria in response to rocket attacks on American forces in the region, generating concern among Democratic lawmakers as he had not asked for the necessary congressional authorisation. |
DVD Présentation ADEExode Trois saisons d'Europe |